2007 Ruan independently directed and created the sand animation film Baishe/ White Snake, in the same year, it was shortlisted by the International Animation Film Festivals of Annecy, France, and Stuttgart Animated Film Festival, Germany. 2009 Melbourne International Animation Festival, and the London International Animation Festival.

It was also screened in the special screening of the opening of the Zagreb An- imation Film Festival, Singapore National Animation Film Week Screening, Greek Cyprus Documentary Cartoon Film Festival, German Leipzig Documentary Cartoon Film Festival, Tampere International Short Film Festival, and Tallinn Black Night Film Festival, The International Animation Week in Wiesbaden, Germany, the first International Animation Festival in Stockholm, Sweden, and the 2010 Fantoche International Animation Film Festival in Baden, Switzerland.

In 2017, it was selected for the New Intergenerational China unit at the Annecy International Film Festival.

2007年导演独立动画电影《白蛇》,入围同年法国昂西国际动画电影节、德国斯图加特动画电影节,2009墨尔本国际动画电影节,伦敦国际动画电影节短片竞赛单元。受邀参加萨格勒布动画电影节开幕特别展映,新加坡国家动画电影周展映,希腊塞浦路斯记录片动画片电影节,德国莱比锡记录片动画片电影节,坦佩雷国际短片节,和塔林黑夜电影节,德国威斯巴登国际动画周、瑞典斯德哥尔摩首届国际动画节展映,2010年 Fantoche International Animation Film Festival inBaden, Switzerland “传说”特别单元展映。2017年入选安纳西国际电影节“中国新代际”单元展映。



The opening ceremony of the China International Cartoon and Animation Festival, 2011

The Sun International Music Festival, the "Silk Road Fantasia" concert held by the National Concert Hall of Singapore, 2010

The "Drama and Animation" concert at the Concert Hall of the Esplanade of Singapore, directed by Ye Cong and performed by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, 2009

The opening ceremony of the 2007 Shanghai International Electronic Music Festival, 2007



